Business Consultant
Joan Marie Whelan business consultant
Business Consultant Joan Marie
First of all, as a Business Consultant, it is my job to assist you in improving your business. There are many business consultants available in the marketplace who come to the table with various skills and traits. I am a business consultant who has some very unique gifts and talents that therefore offers a unique perspective with my clients. My abilities are used to help individuals improve their business acumen. I can also assist business owners in gaining better results with their associates. This assistance also helps owners grow to better understand their own shortcomings and strengths.
My range of expertise stems from my ability to read energy. Working as an intuitive expert, I can read other people’s energy. I see their character flaws and I can see into the noteworthiness of various business transactions and experiences.
How Intuition Helps Business
Being able to recognize personal blocks and limitations, better prepares us to work through the blocks. This process identifies and exposes their root cause. Everything in life has a cause and effect value. When you can examine the root cause of any situation, you are, therefore, in a better position to release it. Through this alteration in perception, you can, consequently, change and learn how to work through. Through my expert gifts and skills, I can work with you to achieve those goals. This allows you to address those specific issues or challenges that have prevented you from experiencing your greatest joy.
Everything in life is energy. How we deal with that energy that surrounds us and vibrates through us is how we will either succeed or fall short of our expectations.
Your goal is to improve your performance and the performance of those who continually come into your sphere of influence. Whether your goal is to improve your internal manager’s efforts, your market infiltration or the overall general morale of those around you, I can help. I can assist you in finding the solution once you have dealt with the root cause of the problem.
I am Joan Marie Whelan, an intuitive specialist who is a business consultant and adviser. My professional clients are grateful for my expertise and straightforward approach to getting results. I can help you remove emotional blocks from your life so you can enjoy the success you aspire to experience. Please check out my website, listen to some of my video’s and call me with your questions at (941) 954-9001
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