You have the power to shift your attitude and behavior for the better.
I believe we are in a crisis in the world today and many people feel caught up in worry, fear and anxiety so they act out foolishly to numb their discomfort. There are more people drinking too much today, taking drugs and smoking pot than ever before in our history. There are a lot of mixed signals through the media and the entertainment world that filters into our everyday lives. Many of us have lost our ability to make sound judgment and don’t know how to differentiate between what is real and what is fantasy.
Because of all of these factors, families, children and even people in the workplace are having a hard time functioning at their optimum. Instead they are lashing out in anger, resentment and violence and feeling justified for their behavior.
Self-expression and our ability to ask questions in a healthy manner is using our higher intelligence correctly; however, knowingly harming or injuring others because of our poor behavior or attitude is destructive and wrong. If we want to live in balance and harmony within ourselves and with others, we must cultivate an open willingness to listen to the other side of the story and be tolerant of others. This is the natural progression of how life is supposed to flow. Just like the ocean waves. They all flow in harmony but each wave expresses itself in a different way. When the wave has completed its creative expression, it simply flows back to the whole. There is no violent eruption or disruptive change in there patterns. This self-expression is a natural and normal way of growing and learning. All of us need to broaden our thinking and transform it so we can realize a more pure sense of being as we filter out for ourselves a sense of meaning in our lives. Without a sense of meaning and purpose, we become ill and disjointed both individually and collectively as a world.
I believe it is time for each one of us to do a reality check. To slow down, quiet the mind and seek the guidance from within. None of us are ideally capable of helping others until we deal with our own hurts, pains and dysfunctional behavior.
This is the time to open our hearts and souls to accept and acknowledge the truth that we have the power within to achieve a life full of great joy and peaceful co-existence. It is possible when we choose to move into a consciousness that God has gifted us with, an opening to our true self and purpose.
Knowing that we cannot force another to do something they do not want to do or respond to, we certainly can lead and teach by example. Take responsibility for your actions and behavior and continue walking with love in your heart. That is a wonderful way to ignite change in the world.