Pride or Excuses can Paralyze You
Pride, a strong ego, can sometimes confine us. Too often, we get caught up in the words, “I can’t do this because I may lose this or that,” or “I can’t move there because I will be away _________ fill in the blank.” There are opportunities in life that beg you to take full advantage of, but because you are so focused on reasons or excuses that stop you, you become paralyzed in the “what if’s” and the “I cant’s”. Do not become that person.
Pathway to SuccessWe become so attached to a feeling, a person or some event in our lives that we do not see any other new opportunities or pathways to progress to the next level. Some people love their pain, whether it be physical or emotional so much so, that they are afraid to let it go because then they will not know what to do to get the attention from others that they crave.
A strong ego or continual excuses often begets complacency, which stops our movement and/or progress. Negativity leads to undesirable consequences. Don’t let your arrogance and depressing attitude set you up for lack-that is, lack of joy, happiness or inner peace. Each one of us has the power to choose our destiny, our experiences. If you are stuck in a repetitive lifestyle and you seem to be going backward or in circles, then heed this: Open your eyes and open your mind. Raise your awareness through meditation, time in nature or prayer so that you can begin to see the potentiality that exists around you. Know that pride or arrogance can be an awesome feeling, but it takes a humbling experience to truly see the possibilities that surround you.