prideIronic how we may have all heard that phrase, “pride and joy”; and in some cases employed it ourselves (in reference to something or someone we love and revere). The challenge in having that pride and joy, is it can sometimes get in the way of our own success. We become so attached to a thing, a person or some event in our lives that we do not see any other newopportunities or pathways to progress to the next level.

Pride often begets complacency, which idles our movement. Now, I am not saying you should not have any pride or joy in life. In fact, I encourage you to be proud of who you are and have joy in those things that bring you happiness. What I am also telling you is the recommended dose of anything is always moderation. Remember, just like all things in life, too much of even a good thing is extreme, and can lead to negative consequences. The same holds true for those of you who might say, “I cannot live without so-and-so…” Fact is, if you are living for someone or something else, you are not living for yourself – and that is what you are missing.

Excessive pride can sometimes confine you. Too often, you can get caught up in the whole, “I can’t do this because I may lose this or that,” or “I can’t move there because I will be away from _____________fill in the blank.” There are opportunities in life that beg you to take full advantage, but because you are so focused on someone else or something else, you become paralyzed in the “what if’s” and the “I cant’s”. Do not become that person. Do not rehash all the things that you could potentially “lose” or all the things that may or may not be. Remember, you cannot control external circumstances, but you have the power to choose your destinyAre you up for the challenge?

balanceDespite what you have been brought up to think or believe, you are still the leader of your life. You have the choice and the power to decide your outcome. If you are holding yourself back because of an overwhelming sense of pride, you need to rethink your actions and behavior. Pride can be like a powerful drug. Once you are addicted to that feeling associated with a person, place or thing, you can easily miss open doors to new and positive opportunities. Do not get caught up in your own web of feelings.

How to get there…

If you are proud of your accomplishments and you enjoy your life just the way it is, then perhaps this message is not for you. But if you are stuck in a repetitive lifestyle and you seem to be going backward or in circles, then heed this: Open your eyes and open your mind. Raise your awareness through meditation or prayer so that you can begin to see the potentiality that exists around you. Know that pride can be an awesome feeling, but it takes a humbling experience to truly see the possibilities that surround you.