How Do You See Life?
Do you see the magic that surrounds your life or are you caught up in the doldrums of daily living? Too often we tend to make our lives more difficult by adding on high levels of stress and anxiety mixed with rage or anger and even discontent. We are living the so-called fast paced life-attempting to keep up with everyone and everything else that we soon lose our way as to what really matters in life and why we are here.
Sometimes all we need to do to get our thoughts on target is to look at the beauty of nature and the simple joys that surround us daily. There is magic in a sunrise and a sunset. There is magic in the twinkle of someone’s eye, in the giggle of a baby and in the softness of a pet who is coming to snuggle with you. How do you see life? Are you able to smell the fragrance of a beautiful flower and hear the chirp of the birds that fly in the air? All this can bring a smile to your face and help you to slow your mind down so you can simply enjoy the moment. A moment that allows you to breathe in slowly, enjoy a deep sigh or even possibly close your eyes for a minute to just smile and be with yourself.
Just turn on the news reports around the world and you will be getting your fill of the dark side of life, the emotional seesaw that captures out attention. The news makes up a large part of our lives. It feeds our minds, heart and soul with information that can either fulfill us or drag us down. We all see and experience those dark emotional scenes that fill our culture and environment on an increasing and alarming pace. We, as a Human species, are prone to imitate what we see and hear on a regular basis. If you doubt what I am saying, just look around you because no matter where you turn, violent acts and negative behavior is becoming more of an epidemic in the world. Add all of that to your own personal emotional struggles and you start to experience a breakdown in your own personal psyche.
If we want to experience a happier and healthy lifestyle for ourselves and the world we live in, we need to wake up and shift our focus and our attention from those experiences that breed conflict and darkness and start building up your courage and strength so you are better prepared to face your core issue(s)-the root of your sadness, unhappiness and discontent. It takes effort and a conscious and open heart to welcome the beauty and magic that surrounds us daily.
When we are out of balance and harmony, we open the channels where negative and dark cells come alive and start to take over our lives. Those dark cells can show up as cancer, heart disease or many other variables. If, we individually want to live a life more fully, we need to make room and space within our core where health and healing energy can thrive, be nurtured and live to its fullest. I encourage you to take a look at the direction you have chosen to follow for your life. The power lies within you to bring forth the change, the healing energy and the shift that is needed if you want to experience a more whole and perfect existence. Our website and facebook fan page offer daily inspirational messages that can help uplift you and your outlook. If you and all of us sincerely want to experience a strong sense of inner peace and joy in this lifetime, each one of us need to work at it. True consciousness doesn’t just happen-it needs to be feed, cultivated and worked at daily. Then and only then can you sincerely look at your life and see the magic that is right in front of you.