Power Angels Entrepreneurial Representative Letter
Dear Friend,
Helping you make money your way and creating positive energy in the world is what this is all about. Our dream is to prove to the world that we can live a happier and healthier life by tapping into our innate abilities and using the support and encouragement from our Power Angels to help us along the way.
We are asking you to help us build our platform of helping people heal in all areas of their lives by taking advantage of all the tools that we put forth with the Power Angels. Our Power Angels are our Lit’l Messengers and our support team who is whispering to us on a regular basis so as to remind us that we are not alone. Why not teach the children about their Power Angel friends so they, too, can build their self-confidence and their self-esteem?
This company began with a contest, which we won! We were asked along with 50 other individuals to create something that has the potential to make a difference in the world. With that statement and purpose in mind, my daughter and I created the first product, the “Follow the Clues” game. We won the contest and were rewarded in so many ways.
From that first game and many creative and imaginative thoughts that followed, we founded our Company, Child Like Creations (CLC) and designed our first Power Angel child-like characters.
The Angel’s names come from posterity. We simply made them more childlike in character design because we felt that the children and their caregivers would be better prepared to relate to them and call them into their lives on a daily basis.
We are looking for like-minded individuals who not only want to bring in some extra money by hosting house or school parties but by also sharing these first four products within your community and sphere of influence.
With more than 12 years of building this company and working to bring into the mainstream a plethora of products, we are working towards positioning ourselves to grow quickly. We are also starting a crowd-funding campaign, so we can manufacture the games, starting with the Star Power Game for children ages 4 to 9. All this we plan to accomplish with our partners in the USA. As we grow in our successes we will continue to grow our product line with our angel dolls and our limited edition of the Power Angel dolls. We are currently pursuing that area with vigor.
We are offering this special and unique opportunity to those who want to be one of the first people to share in this Company and the Power Angels by buying at a discounted 10 units each of the four products currently offered. The next pages will share with you the four products descriptions together with an offering of purchasing at a 40% discount. You do the math! A quantity of 10 units of each of the four products would cost retail $1,064.40 plus tax. Your investment is $ 535.60 + retail Tax and your return is $ 528.80. You pay us the tax on the retail price and we will take care of the bookkeeping and pay it to your State at your State rate. As your business grows, so will the product line of Power Angel products.
Entrepreneurship is alive and well and with your help, we will bring this company into the realm of building a powerhouse of dynamic personalities who work their business the way they want.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Joan Ambrose & Joan Marie Whelan
Child Like Creations, LLC
Downloadable Files
Printable Version of this Letter – CLC Entrepreneurial Rep Letter
Printable Product Description – Product Description Power Angels
Sample Invoice Template (.pdf) – Sample InvoiceTemplate-1 ERP for CLC
Spreadsheet – CLC Blank Invoice Template printable