Dancing with the Divine
My New Tele-class will help you Awaken the Divine within You.
A 5-Week Program starting on Monday Evenings
April 30, 2018 May 1, 7, 14, 21 2018.
Register today and save your place
You won’t miss a beat!
Participants will also be receiving an MP3 download of each class so you can listen
to it as often as you wish. If you cannot be on live you will be able to listen at your leisure.
The one thing that I have come to realize is that each one of us is ideally craving inner peace, yet very few truly know how to embody it. Imagine if you woke up every day knowing, without a shadow of a doubt, that you have the support, encouragement and wisdom from your Divine Creator and Divine Team? How would that make you feel? I can almost guarantee that you would say: “Yes, that is what I am seeking!” Yet as I speak and connect with many of you, I have come to discover that you are really not hearing or feeling those messages or vibration. Since you are not feeling them, you keep making choices from a weaken state not from your strength. As a result, you create separation from what you truly want in life.
The better way of experiencing life is to have the hand of the Divine touching you, your mind-body and spirit in such a profound manner so that together you are creating a powerful team interconnectivity that is effective and unstoppable
I began working with Joan Marie Whelan almost a year ago. I was invited to join some friends who were meeting with Joan Marie in a group session and that meeting was the “beginning”. Joan Marie Whelan, has breathed life back into me. I am a hairstylist and make-up artist for over 25 years, also a wife, mother, daughter, and sister. I had been struggling with being in a “sandwich generation” and caring for my family and my ailing parent with Alzheimer’s. I have been struggling and in survival mode for years and for the past 3 years I have been actively searching for “something” but not knowing what that “something” was. I needed a change – my life looked wonderful from the outside and I looked like I could handle anything – but no one knew on the inside I was imploding from years of never ending stress. Enter Joan Marie Whelan – she rocked me back on my heels – she is THAT good. I was amazed she knew in a few minutes what I had been struggling with for decades.
I came to her with tons of questions and a lot of challenges for me. I have learned so many valuable lessons with Joan Marie that I would never have learned on my own. I have had one on one time with Joan Marie and I have taken her classes. I cannot tell you how amazing I feel today. Joan Marie and Joan Marie Ambrose (the Mom) offered me so much love and wisdom – I have never felt so secure.
For the first time in my life I feel completely solid in who I am and wonderfully peaceful. I have learned my own value and learned to accept myself completely. I have also learned to give others boundaries in my life. The energy and the sense of peace is invaluable. I can only say this has been the best investment I have ever made! The change has been so positive that my clients are amazed at how I handle stress now and that I am so calm and peaceful.
- Don’t be fooled by your own issues! Know the difference between what your soul ideally desires for you and what you think you may desire. This is not about giving you everything you want- some of our wants are truly not for our best interest but this is about guaranteeing you will get everything you need and your needs are far better and greater than your wants.
- Stop fighting for what you want and start strategizing! You do not need to fight for everything in your life; many of us fight to make things happen, continually struggling yet always wondering ‘why’ it is not coming together. This class answers your ‘whys!’
- Imagine cultivating wholeness in your life? It is about living a life where things finally make sense because you are developing and nurturing a broader and deeper awareness of your state of being. This allows you to expand your understanding of why some experiences in this lifetime have thrown you off balance. Most of us are still creating from this place. Heal the lopsided energy in your body once and for all, fuel your strength and tap into your own Divine Healing Powers to truly understand how you and your Divine team can work together to create, manifest, heal and grow from a place of strength. Any thing you create from a place of victim and emotional weakness will eventually collapse.
- We all hold some piece of the truth within us. Many of you think you are tapped in only to soon realize you are not! Our minds are a powerful tool but that alone is not what is needed. In order to be fully in balance you want your Soul- your inner wisdom and your truth to lead the way from within. It’s time to stop living with half of the truth and instead seek to see how all the pieces fit perfectly together.
I can already hear some of you saying but I want my new husband or wife, or the better job with more money or more contentment and satisfaction in my life! Don’t you think it is time to start living your life in a way where finally everything makes sense?
NEWS FLASH ! Yes, you can have what you truly desire and crave. This is part of your Divine Blue Print. This 5-Week Program will help you understand why it is not here yet and then show you how to integrate all the missing pieces so you will soon be able to enjoy your wholeness. We are not put on earth to be punished and to be without joy! When you understand how to fill from within and receive, your life will take on new meaning.
Hello Joan Marie: I would like to extend my thanks to you and the whole group for the time we spend together.
The past 5-months was a discovery journey for me, especially the first 2 months. You have helped to heal my deepest wound in the past therefore allow me to be free to live in the present.
You all also helped me to get to know myself better, much better by sharing your thoughts and your feelings on the post.
I have learned that my feelings, my emotions, my ego has so easily hook me into an endless chase of debates, analysis and illusions. Thank you very much for all your teachings.
I invite you to come and join with many of my other students and allow this amazing experience to help you heal your life. In this safe and sacred group environment you will interact with other like-minded individuals who are searching just like you!
Register today and save your place
You won’t miss a beat! Participants will also be receiving an MP3 download of each class so you can listen to it as often as you wish.
In this class you will:
- Heal core issues that are still playing out daily in your life.
- Work regularly with your Divine self, your Creator and your Divine Team.
- Laugh- cry- release- purify- grow- and create.
- Learn how to Dance gracefully with your Divine!
- Know and understand true intimacy and finally embrace and accept who you really are!
- Ideally heal from your fears and struggles. You have no room for them in your life anymore!!
All Classes are recorded if you need to come late or miss one- you will receive the entire class and be able to listen on your own time. You won’t miss a beat!
TIME: 6 PM Pacific Time–9 PM EST
DATE: 5 Monday Evenings
April 30 May 7, 14, 21, 28
PLACE: In the comfort of your home
FEE: $595.00
Register today and save your place
“When I was first asked by Joan Marie to be a part of the 5-month Intuitive Program, I thought to myself ‘How cool!’ and immediately read the hand out I was given searching for a price tag. There it was! On the back page, a sticker for nearly $5000 dollars! I didn’t see at the time how I was going to come up with that sort of money, for at that moment I didn’t even have enough money in my bank account to buy groceries. I am an able bodied, intelligent man, but somehow got myself into these swing cycles of abundance and scarcity.”
“I remember very clearly the day I called Joan Marie to tell her that I would love to join the group, but I was going to pass, as I simply did not have enough green. She straight out said ‘baloney!’ and proceeded to take the time to explain to me where I needed to be, how I was causing this scarcity myself and how I really needed to do this program as I could stop these extreme swing cycles. She was so right! Today I am one month strong into the program and my income level has jumped to new levels. Not only have I now paid off the program in full, I am making in excess of my living expenses, affording me the opportunity to save money for my dream lifestyle just down the road! There are many angels in watching over us, and there are two right here in our own backyard! Thank you, Joan Marie ‘Mom’ and Joan Marie Whelan. Many blessings to you both and from the bottom of my heart, the warmest, sincerest gratitude!”
Participants will also be receiving an MP3 download of each class so you can listen to it as often as you wish. You won’t miss a beat!
You will receive all the necessary details to proceed in this
Tele-class after you sign in.
If you prefer to call the office to sign up or
ask a question, we welcome you
at: (941)954-9001
I hope you allow yourself the opportunity to join a powerful group of people coming together to heal more deeply and understand how the Universe ideally works from a place of power through love.
Register today and save your place
Participants will also be receiving an MP3 download of the class, so you can listen to it as often as you wish. It can further support you on your journey as you gain greater insight and wisdom. And please feel free to share this event with your family and friends as this 5-Week Program may also help them.
All sales are final.
Make sure you LIKE us on Facebook and Instagram where you will be able to interact with us personally and see all that we are doing.
I am grateful to be given the gift and talents to communicate with the other realms and be a powerful instrument to help others learn how to tap into their own inner wisdom and abilities. I want you to feel empowered and aware of the choices you can make daily to help you make wise decisions during these times. You absolutely need to feel strong without internalizing many of the challenges placed in front of us daily. You absolutely have power and now is the time to learn how to activate it and feel in control of your life.
Before I knew Joan Marie I was severely depressed and felt like I was invisible. I was having a hard time securing employment- over 1 year. Since I started working with her, I became employed and Joan Marie has shown me how to lead myself and create a heart-centered life. I no longer feel like I am waiting to live one day but actively participating in life. I feel joyful and present. Life is a blessing not a sentence to be survived. I am so glad I found her for a teacher.
Janine Rusnak
ALL sales are final
© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
By Joan Marie, Intuition Girl
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“Unless you expressly state that you do not wish your e-mail to be published on websites operated by Joan Marie Companies and My Serenity House, we will assume that you wish it to be posted. We recognize how important it is to maintain privacy and security for the personal information sent to us. For this reason we do not publish e-mail addresses or any information that could identify you.”