As Above So Below
I was recently at a talk that was speaking to the health of our coral reefs around the world. As I listened, I began to see a correlation between what is happening under the water to what is happening above.
Coral gets stressed and when that occurs it is more likely to get sick with diseases. Some of the diseases are known as black spots, white pox and another is called hot spots of disease. There is a direct relationship between coral health and sickness to that of humans. Stress, extreme anxiety. and deep anger causes a chemical reaction within the cells of humans and activates those negative cells that start to infiltrate and take over the healthy cells thus causing the beginning of sickness and disease. The immune system is being compromised and when it is sufficiently weakened, it loses its ability to fight off sickness.
The ocean waters are warming and thus causing stress with the life of numerous of its plants that grow in the waters. Coral bleaching is taking place due to the change in conditions of the ocean environment. Through research and various studies, it has been observed that there are some disease-resistant corals that are thriving. Those have a more active immune system than others. That means that we need to look for ways to make more corals healthier and free from disease.
We all have different sets of genes – the main point of discussion is, why are some people less susceptible to disease than others just like the corals? Some of us are influenced by different things and as a result, we constantly need to make a conscious effort to stay vigilant as to the way we let our emotions take us out and affect our mood, our behavior and our attitudes.
So what do we do to stay healthy, in a good physical state and vital in our emotional and mental state as well? We can live a life in a good state of aliveness and without negative threats that will overtake our bodies when we develop ways and/or methods to reduce disease progression so we can stay resilient and fit.
How do we, individually and collectively protect the people of the world in an environment that is constantly being contaminated and compromised by negative emotional energy such as anger, resentment, greed, shame and unforgiveness? It requires a humble spirit, a willing heart and a disciplined mind that will stay alert to all the challenges we face daily. Don’t buy into all that the media or society has to offer, instead, be particular. Select only those books, articles, movies and lifestyle etc. that will nurture your entire being because the contamination starts in many of those areas and affect our thinking, our behavior and our overall environment. A healthy life lies in the eye of the beholder. We all make choices daily that affect our overall well-being. I encourage you to be discriminating and careful as to the way in which you value your life on a daily basis and how you want your story to end.