Joan Marie Shows the Way to Empower Yourself

Empower Yourself
Are you satisfied with your life just the way it is or do you continually strive to stir your energy so you can improve and still be better? Close your eyes and look within. Examine your authentic self and be honest with you as you ask yourself the question: “what brings me joy”? If you are not experiencing your best life yet, do you want to learn how to empower yourself so as to make your life more fulfilling and more joy-filled?
Many people get up each day trying to avoid the hills and mountains of their lives. They become tired, lazy and unwilling to push harder because they lost their vision and passion. Being satisfied with the status quo has become their chant. Just one thought to consider—if you never attempt to strive, you would never know the amazing thrill of seeing your accomplishments and glory. In the end when your life has been completed, It will not be the years in your life that count but the life you have put into your years!
It’s Time to Empower Yourself
Maybe it’s time for you to dig your heels in and learn how to take your power back? As you learn how to empower yourself, you will begin to believe that you can and will still have the opportunities that you have been dreaming about come into your life because now, more than ever, you are becoming pro-active and empowered in your life. You are willing to step out of your comfort zone and do something different that will create positive change in your mental outlook and behavior. You are broadening your horizons as you focus more on your thoughts, your attitude and your behavior.
I would like to share some tips and techniques that will enable you to take back your power so you are better prepared to manifest your life as you grow to become an empowered person.

Self-empowerment means that you are the one who controls your life and ultimately your destiny. It means that you are able to set in motion the ideal plan for your life and then visualize it frequently as you imagine and feel into the life that you are seeking. As a self-empowered person, you work with the Infinite Intelligence to help you create what you really want in life.
Manifest Your Heart’s Desires
An empowered person is one who realizes that in order to manifest your heart’s desires, you are the one in control of your thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs. So where do you begin?
Refuse to allow negative thoughts, feelings or people into your inner circle. Your mind is a powerful instrument and if you choose to empower yourself, you will need to keep your instrument filled only with positive thoughts, ideas, inspiration and feelings.
Write out your goals or desires in a clear and concise manner. As you begin to become more open to receive all that you are seeking, you may change some of your thoughts and that is perfectly okay. You need to recite your list every morning and every evening before bed so it can be embedded into your subconscious mind.
Begin to visualize and feel into the imagery of all that you are seeking. When you can feel into the experience, your entire psychology will shift and become more uplifted.
Know your self-worth! As your vision grows so, too, will your appreciation of who you are and what you bring to the table. Don’t let anyone or anything talk you out of your goals. Your future happiness is at stake; guard it because it is your treasure.
Be Patient – Results Will Come
Your success is not an overnight experience. It starts with baby steps one day at a time. The more you can envision your plan to your successful outcome and the more you can feel how it feels to enjoy this outcome, the sooner you will be creating the power steps to bring it about. Self-empowerment is a process, like everything else in life. This is your time to use your imagination to boost yourself up and create the life you have desired. Don’t waste your time or energy by making excuses. Move on; grab hold of your mind and plant only positive and beneficial seeds that will allow you to live an empowered life from this moment forward. Your success is an inside job that only you can fulfill, so take responsibility today and make it happen.
As an intuitive expert, I have helped thousands of people change their perception and their quality of life. By utilizing my special gifts, I teach, inspire and show people how to take responsibility for where they are today, as they begin to discover and ignite the driving force to transform their lives.
About Joan Marie

Empower Yourself
As an International Medium, Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive and Business Consultant, I skillfully combine my wisdom and knowledge with my understanding of psychology. I have turned the most ardent skeptics into believers.
Through the power of my gifts and being a conduit between this realm and the Universal Flow, I can see, hear and feel the emotions of those who have passed on. I also have the ability to read energy and by doing so, I can see into the human body and decipher where the pain originates and counsel my clients on how to remove it.
I receive referrals from Doctors all around the world, because they realize that many illnesses are emotionally based. As I help many individuals heal on the emotional level I also let them know the exact age the disease started in their body and why.
I also serve as a business consultant with many top-level professionals throughout the World. Everything we do in life is involves relationships, whether it is a relationship with yourself or others. Consequently, as I consult with my business clients for their businesses, they must, out of necessity, also heal their own emotional house where all problems stem from. I can confidently say that everything is connected in life and it starts with you on you. Please make the time to go to my web site and review some of my work and sign up for my newsletter and weekly inspirational articles and video. Take a look at my E-books and products because they are powerful tools to help you on your journey.